Spider-Woman Variant Numbering Schematics 101-200

Numbering Adjustment: Since the Kraven and Calypso variants are spread over 3 Spider-Man titles (including Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Man and Web of Spider-Man) within 2 months, that's 6 issues, I decided to start the variant numbering at #101 so at least ASM293 will correspond to SW102v. If I decide later to do variants of Jessica Drew, the Mysterious Spider-Woman or The Venom of the Spider-Woman then I'll renumber accordingly.

Multiple Releases: Publishing dates from 1988 to 1993, two to three issues per month are released.

Also see Numbering Schemactics from Other Titles.

SW Date ASM Date Variants and Concepts
101 292 SEP  1987 Kraven and Calypso Variant
102 293 OCT  1987 Kraven and Calypso Variant
103 294 NOV  1987 Kraven and Calypso Variant
104 295 DEC  1987 Kraven and Calypso Variant
105 296 JAN  1988 Kraven and Calypso Variant
106 297 FEB 1988 Kraven and Calypso Variant
107 298 MAR 1988
108 299 APR  1988
109 300 MAY  1988
10 301 JUN  1988
111 302 JUL 1988
112 303 AUG 1988
113 304 SEP 1988
114 305 SEP 1988
115 306 OCT 1988
116 307 OCT 1988
117 308 NOV 1988
118 309 NOV 1988
119 310 DEC 1988
120 311 JAN  1989
121 312 FEB 1989
122 313 MAR 1989
123 314 APR  1989
124 315 MAY  1989
125 316 JUN  1989
126 317 JUL 1989
127 318 AUG 1989
128 319 SEP 1989
129 320 SEP 1989
130 321 OCT 1989
131 322 OCT 1989
132 323 NOV 1989
133 324 NOV 1989
134 325 NOV 1989
135 326 DEC 1989
136 327 DEC 1989
137 328 JAN  1990
138 329 FEB 1990
139 330 MAR 1990
140 331 APR  1990
141 332 MAY  1990
142 333 JUN  1990
143 334 JUL 1990
144 335 JUL 1990
145 336 AUG 1990
146 337 AUG 1990
147 338 SEP 1990
148 339 SEP 1990
149 340 OCT  1990
150 341 NOV  1990
151 342 DEC  1990 Black Cat and Scorpion Variant
152 343 JAN  1991
153 344 FEB 1991
154 345 MAR 1991
155 346 APR  1991
156 347 MAY  1991
157 348 JUN  1991
158 349 JUL 1991
159 350 AUG 1991
160 351 SEP 1991
161 352 OCT  1991
162 353 NOV 1991
163 354 NOV 1991
164 355 DEC 1991
165 356 DEC 1991
166 357 JAN  1992
167 358 JAN  1992
168 359 FEB 1992
169 360 MAR 1992
170 361 APR  1992
171 362 MAY  1992
172 363 JUN  1992
173 364 JUL 1992
174 365 AUG 1992
175 366 SEP 1992
176 367 OCT  1992
177 368 NOV 1992
178 369 NOV 1992
179 370 DEC 1992
180 371 DEC 1992
181 372 JAN  1993
182 373 JAN  1993
183 374 FEB 1993
184 375 MAR 1993
185 376 APR  1993
186 377 MAY  1993
187 378 JUN  1993
188 379 JUL 1993
189 380 AUG 1993
190 381 SEP 1993
191 382 OCT  1993
192 383 NOV 1993
193 384 DEC 1993
194 385 JAN  1994
195 386 FEB 1994
196 387 MAR 1994
197 388 APR  1994
198 389 MAY  1994
199 390 JUN  1994
200 391 JUL 1994
<< Prv. Pg.  

Variant-Edition.com is an online portfolio and features comic fan art illustrations by artist/fan Josh Castellano. The portfolio includes illustrations of recreations and re-imaginings, electronic coloring, and eventually orignal work. The main subject matter of recreations and re-imaginings focuses around the Spider-Woman character and placing her in current titles and storylines in a "What-if Spider-Woman was never cancelled" scenario as well as outlining a brief storyline. Variant-Edition.com is updated monthly. All artwork and designs are owned, trademarked and © copyright 2013 by Josh Castellano. All characters have © copyrights from their respective publishers. For questions and comments, email: josh(at)variant-edition.com.