Spider-Woman 1 Unpublished Variant

This 1978 Carmine Infantino piece was intended for the first issue of original Spider-Woman series but we all know Joe Sinnott's piece was used instead. Over the years the sketch was up for auction for awhile and many comic book art collectors passed it up. When Fred deBoom (comicartfans.com) acquired the piece, he mentioned that it was in pretty bad shape-the pencil sketch was smearing. He commissioned Bob Wiacek to ink it in 2005, and he added "Wiacek literally saved the piece.."

I was completely obsessed with this piece. This should have been used for the first issue of the original series. Don't get me wrong, Sinnott's version is an encredible piece, but I was detemined to see how it would have looked like should it had been used. It was for this reason I started the Spider-WomanArt.blogspot.com. So after a few attempts, it finally started to come together. I really suprised myself. I think this is my best work so far.

I forwarded the copies to Fred and Bob and they were pretty surprised as well. Fred emailed the copies Joe Quesada at Marvel and he indicated that he would forward it to the sales guy to see if there were any interest. How awsome would that be. This piece would make a great variant for the new Spider-Woman Series in 2007. I wonder if Bendis would like it...

See Numbering Schematics for Spider-Woman. Also see Numbering Schemactics from Other Titles.


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Variant-Edition.com is an online portfolio and features comic fan art illustrations by artist/fan Josh Castellano. The portfolio includes illustrations of recreations and re-imaginings, electronic coloring, and eventually orignal work. The main subject matter of recreations and re-imaginings focuses around the Spider-Woman character and placing her in current titles and storylines in a "What-if Spider-Woman was never cancelled" scenario as well as outlining a brief storyline. Variant-Edition.com is updated monthly. All artwork and designs are owned, trademarked and © copyright 2013 by Josh Castellano. All characters have © copyrights from their respective publishers. For questions and comments, email: josh(at)variant-edition.com.