Spider-Woman and Tigra 3 Evil That Men Do Variant

In this variant-reimagining of "The evil that men do" series, Spider-woman and Tigra go after a drug cartel organization headed by a new villian called the Spolier. The Spoiler is a mutant that has the power to absorb your life essence. This power is not just mutant based but also mystical based.

While teaming up together, Tigra is affected by Spider-Woman's pheromones which usually repels women. With Tigra's bisexual curiosity and persistence, Jessica becomes confused and attracted to Tigra as well, maybe because of her own bisexual curiosity. While a brief encounter occurs, they both decide that it was merely experimentation on both side. Definitely a MAX title.

Cover is after Terry and Rachel Dodson.

See Numbering Schematics for Spider-Woman. Also see Numbering Schemactics from Other Titles.


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Variant-Edition.com is an online portfolio and features comic fan art illustrations by artist/fan Josh Castellano. The portfolio includes illustrations of recreations and re-imaginings, electronic coloring, and eventually orignal work. The main subject matter of recreations and re-imaginings focuses around the Spider-Woman character and placing her in current titles and storylines in a "What-if Spider-Woman was never cancelled" scenario as well as outlining a brief storyline. Variant-Edition.com is updated monthly. All artwork and designs are owned, trademarked and © copyright 2013 by Josh Castellano. All characters have © copyrights from their respective publishers. For questions and comments, email: josh(at)variant-edition.com.