Spider-Woman Variant Numbering Schematics 301-400

Marvel's Renumbering: Starting with January 1999 publishing date, Marvel ends ASM Volume 1 and renumbers to volume 2 and restarts the issue number to #1 and ends volume 2 at issue #58 (December 2003 publishing date). At the same month volume 2 ends, Marvel reverts back to volume 1 start renumbering the issue beginning with #500. The number of issues that were released in volume 2 still corresponds to the numbers of issues missing in volume 1 after in ended.

Mutilpe Issues: In October 2007, Marvel releases 2 issues in one month but doesn't continue mutiple issue releases until March 2008. From there Marvel continues to release multiple issues per month.

Also see Numbering Schemactics from Other Titles.

SW Date ASM Date Variants and Concepts
301 492 (51) MAY 2003
302 493 (52) JUN 2003
303 494 (53) JUL 2003
304 495 (54) AUG 2003
305 496 (55) SEP 2003
306 497 (56) OCT 2003
307 498 (57) NOV 2003
308 499 (58) DEC 2003
309 500 DEC 2003
310 501 JAN  2004
311 502 FEB 2004
312 503 MAR 2004
313 504 APR  2004
314 505 MAY  2004
315 506 JUN  2004
316 508 JUL 2004
317 509 AUG 2004
318 510 SEP  2004
319 511 OCT  2004
320 512 NOV 2004
321 513 DEC 2004
322 514 JAN  2005
323 515 FEB 2005
324 516 MAR 2005
325 517 APR  2005
326 518 MAY  2005
327 519 JUN  2005
328 520 JUL 2005
329 521 AUG 2005
330 522 SEP  2005
331 523 OCT  2005
332 524 NOV 2005
333 525 DEC 2005
334 526 JAN  2006
335 527 FEB 2006
336 528 MAR 2006
337 529 APR  2006
338 530 MAY  2006
339 531 JUN  2006
340 532 JUL 2006
341 533 AUG 2006
342 534 SEP  2006
343 535 OCT  2006
344 536 NOV 2006
345 537 JAN  2007
346 538 FEB 2007
347 539 APR  2007
348 540 MAY  2007
349 541 JUN  2007
350 542 AUG 2007
351 543 OCT  2007
352 544 OCT  2007 Eye of the Needle Variant
353 545 NOV 2007
354 546 FEB 2008
355 547 MAR 2008
356 548 MAR 2008
357 549 APR  2008
358 550 APR  2008
359 551 APR  2008
360 552 MAY  2008
361 553 MAY  2008
362 554 MAY  2008
363 555 JUN  2008  
364 556 JUN  2008
365 557 JUN  2008 Mayan God Variant
366 558 JUL 2008 Morgan Le Faye Variant
367 559 JUL 2008 Legacy Variant
368 560 JUL 2008
369 561 AUG 2008
370 562 AUG 2008
371 563 AUG 2008
372 564 SEP  2008
373 565 SEP  2008 Skrull Variant
374 566 SEP  2008
375 567 OCT  2008
376 568 OCT  2008
377 569 OCT  2008
378 570 NOV 2008 Skrull Variant
379 571 NOV 2008
380 572 NOV 2008
381 573 DEC 2008
382 574 DEC 2008
383 575 DEC 2008
384 576 DEC 2008
385 577 JAN 2009
386 578 JAN 2009
387 579 JAN 2009
388 580 JAN 2009
389 581 JAN-FEB 2009
390 582 MAR 2009
391 583 MAR 2009
392 584 MAR 2009
393 585 APR  2009
394 586 APR  2009
395 587 MAY  2009
396 588 MAY  2009
397 589 MAY  2009
398 590 JUN  2009
399 591 JUN  2009
400 592 JUN  2009
<< Prv. Pg.  

Variant-Edition.com is an online portfolio and features comic fan art illustrations by artist/fan Josh Castellano. The portfolio includes illustrations of recreations and re-imaginings, electronic coloring, and eventually orignal work. The main subject matter of recreations and re-imaginings focuses around the Spider-Woman character and placing her in current titles and storylines in a "What-if Spider-Woman was never cancelled" scenario as well as outlining a brief storyline. Variant-Edition.com is updated monthly. All artwork and designs are owned, trademarked and © copyright 2013 by Josh Castellano. All characters have © copyrights from their respective publishers. For questions and comments, email: josh(at)variant-edition.com.