Spider-Woman Variant Numbering Schematics 26-50

Numbering Adjustment: Because of the seven months gap in the publishing dates between SW9 December 1978 and ASM194 July 1979, two ASM titles may correspond to one SW title because of the bi-monthly publication between May-June 1981 (SW38) to May-June 1983 (SW50). When the Spider-Woman title ends at SW50 the numbering continues and starts following ASM242. So SW51 begins following variant cover and storyline concepts from ASM242 with the publishing date and the corresponding issue number.

Also see Numbering Schemactics from Other Titles.

SW Date ASM Date Variants and Concepts
26 MAY 1980 211 DEC 1980 Twin Blade variant
27 JUN 1980 212 JAN 1981 White Gardenia variant
28 JUL 1980 213 FEB 1981
29 AUG 1980 214 MAR 1981
30 SEP 1980 215 APR 1981 Color Variant
31 OCT 1980 216 MAY 1981
32 NOV 1980 217 JUN 1981 Color Variant
33 DEC 1980 218 JUL 1981
34 JAN 1981 219 AUG 1981
35 FEB 1981 220 SEP 1981
36 MAR 1981 221 OCT 1981
37 APR 1981 222 NOV 1981
38 MAY-JUN 1981 223-224 DEC 1981-JAN 1982
39 JUL-AUG 1981 224-225 JAN-FEB 1982
40 SEP-OCT 1981 225-226 FEB- MAR 1982 Black Cat Variant
41 NOV-DEC 1981 226-227 MAR-APR 1982 Black Cat Variant
42 JAN-FEB 1982 227-228 APR-MAY1982
43 MAR- APR 1982 228-229 MAY-JUN 1982
44 MAY-JUN 1982 229-230 JUN-JUL 1982
45 JUL-AUG 1982 230-231 JUL-AUG 1982
46 SEP-OCT 1982 232-233 SEP-OCT 1982
47 NOV-DEC 1982 234-235 NOV-DEC 1982
48 JAN-FEB 1983 236-237 JAN-FEB 1983 Color Variant
49 MAR- APR 1983 238-239 MAR- APR 1983
50 MAY-JUN 1983 240-241 MAY-JUN 1983
<< Prv. Pg.  

Variant-Edition.com is an online portfolio and features comic fan art illustrations by artist/fan Josh Castellano. The portfolio includes illustrations of recreations and re-imaginings, electronic coloring, and eventually orignal work. The main subject matter of recreations and re-imaginings focuses around the Spider-Woman character and placing her in current titles and storylines in a "What-if Spider-Woman was never cancelled" scenario as well as outlining a brief storyline. Variant-Edition.com is updated monthly. All artwork and designs are owned, trademarked and © copyright 2013 by Josh Castellano. All characters have © copyrights from their respective publishers. For questions and comments, email: josh(at)variant-edition.com.